Rotny: Zdrasty Comrades!
Throck: Rotny here is about to play his first game of Flames of War. He's a huge Czech fan and so he's put together, well, why don't I let him tell you:
Rotny: So basically, I wanted to represent my boys the Czech's fighting on the Eastern Front in Late War. Seeing as how there is no official Czech breifing yet, I decided to run them as a Guards Tankovy Army from Red Bear since they were equipped and armed with Soviet gear. I've been eyeing the beautiful games of Flames of War happening in my FLGS and so was pretty pumped when some of our group decided to take the plunge. I picked up a box of Plastic Soldier T-34's to get my feet wet and more money than I'm willing to reveal later, here I am ready to fall in love from dice roll one. Wish me luck!
Throck: Awesome. Weclome Rotny, without any further ado let's do this thing. (after the break!)
This is a simple learn to play with RotnyPetrVana, a soon to be contributor to the website. Here we have his first game! WOOT! We've each got about 1000 points for the battle. Rotny'll be playing a Czech themed Soviet Guards Tankovy Battalion from Red Bear vs. some FHH Panzerkompanie from BG&G. We've got an objective per side and are playing on a 4x4. Come along as Rotny check's out FOW for the first time. |
Rotny's New Guard Tanks
VonThrocks's FHH Panzers
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Rotny's Guard's |
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Vs. Throck's Panthers |
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Rotny's two T34 Companies and HQ |
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Throck's FHH Panzerkompanie |
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Rotny's New Guard Tanks
VonThrocks's FHH Panzers |
Rotny's New Guard Tanks: Hi guys! Glad to be here. Knowing from my lack of any battlefield knowledge that Panthers are scary (I've been told, "avoid the kittykats") I wanted to use the two sizable woods in my deployment zone to get some early cover, hopefully mitigating his early shooting before I figure out what the hell I'm doing. TO PRAGUE! VonThrocks's FHH Panzers: My thought was go for the throat. Use the left platoon to stake out the hill for some hull down cover while the right side moves up. He's got way more tanks than me and a few kills could force my precious reluctant panthers off the table. I've got strike quickly to win and hopefully avoid to many bogs or bails. MORE DAKKA! |
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Rotny Turn one, one bog and some moving. |
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Rotny's New Guard Tanks
VonThrocks's FHH Panzers |
Rotny's New Guard Tanks: I got to go first. (Throck: First game first turn, seems fitting) I moved both companies up, the left to edge of the hedgerow to get into shooting position. And the right one mixed between the hedgerow and the woods. Causing one of my tanks to bog. The HQ flailed his pistol menacingly at the bogged tank to no avail. All my tanks open up on the right most panther platoon causing two hits which scratches some paint. VonThrocks's FHH Panzers: After Rotny threw some snowballs my way it was time for me to move up. My left platoon crested the hill and the right headed up to the road. During the shooting phase. Panther left took out two T-34's (FIRST BLOOD!) and bailed one and Panther right took out another T-34 from the platoon on my right. My left platoon makes its stormtrooper move and hides back behind the hill. A good first turn indeed. |
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Ivan runs and hides, setting the trap. |
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Rotny's New Guard Tanks
VonThrocks's FHH Panzers |
Rotny's New Guard Tanks: Yikes! His schwartz is bigger than mine! Time for a new strategy. Being fearless and trained I unbail and unbog and everyone mounts back up. Tanks move back and decided to hide behind the woods to get away from those scary guns and draw him closer to me. (Throck: But not like that... well... ) VonThrocks's FHH Panzers: Cowardly Ivan retreats! Time to get up in there and do some damage. I move Panther company right up into the hedges to try and take out some more of his 1st Guards Company. If I can knock them off the board early it might be a quick game. Luckily, I score one more kill. He'll have to take the motivation test! Of course he passes and the game continues. Panther Left moves back up on to the hill and sadly finds nothing to shoot at. It stormtroopers down the other side looking for some Ivan to impale. |
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Scheisse! Flanked! |
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Rotny's New Guard Tanks
VonThrocks's FHH Panzers
Rotny's New Guard Tanks: The trap is sprung! I may not have the guns but I have the speed. My left platoon flies around the woods and flanks the Panthers. Meanwhile, the 1iC and the Platoon on the right unleashes their balls and pulls up to the hedgerow for some support shots. And pray to their communist gods that they won't die. The flanking tanks unleash, scoring three hits and 1 kill! The bait bears their teeth and bails another tank. VonThrocks's FHH Panzers: Crap. Flanked. Should have seen that coming. It appears Mr. Newbie Ivan has some tricks up his sleeve after all. Of course my tank in the right platoon doesn't unbail. They're poorly trained old men and boys... Right, so it's my turn to ball up. I, however am in an advantageous position, not needing to move to unleash a hail of Panther power. Panther Plt. Left finishes off the 1st Company and the 2iC and Panther Right take out one more from the 2nd. In my stormtrooper I move to block the most direct route to my objective and start bringing Panther left into action against his 2nd Company. |
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Ivan turns the hill to keep the flank up. |
Rotny's New Guard Tanks
VonThrocks's FHH Panzers
Rotny's New Guard Tanks: KroutMorton blocks my route so I zip around the small hill to keep my flanking move going. The HQ meanwhile books it to the woods and hides. I take some shots at the 2iC and bail him after a failed firepower test. VonThrocks's FHH Panzers: He just keeps pushing! My 2iC miraculously unbails, but sadly, Panther Right bolts in the face of getting out flanked by the newb (TRAITORS!!!). I turn Panther Left down the road and... BLOODY HELL 3 hits and Ivan makes some epic saves. 3 hits and 1 stinking bail. (Rotny: Finally, I found my cheating dice!). Adding insult to injury, I forget to stormtrooper. Cause, i'm pretty stupid sometimes. |
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They Conga! |
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Rotny's New Guard Tanks
VonThrocks's FHH Panzers
Rotny's New Guard Tanks: Down to 3 tanks, I decide it's time to go balls to the wall (Throck: Rotny, do you think we're talking about balls a little to much?) I line up in a phallus (Rotny: Good point..) I line up in a conga line, after learning that I need to control 4 inches around the objective without any Germans nearby. Along the way I light up that pesky 2iC. Then my boys pull out their pictures of Lenin (Throck: Careful now.. this is a family blog) and hope to surivive the onslaught around the objective for the game. The HQ hiding in his woods, meanwhile, decides it's safer to just pull out his iPhonsky and text them orders. VonThrocks's FHH Panzers: ONE TANK. That's all I fricken need and I force him to take a motivation test. Granted all he needs is a three but it seems to be my only shot. I roll the Panthers up danger close and take some shots. 1 hit! 1 Kill! He passes his check (DRAT!) Wait... I'm forgetting something. OH YEAH, Stormtrooper move. I send one of my Panthers around to contest and the game is still afoot! |
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Fail. |
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Rotny's New Guard Tanks
VonThrocks's FHH Panzers
Rotny's New Guard Tanks: Disheartened that the Krauts manage to snatch (HEY!) victory from the jaws of bitter bitter newbie defeat my boys finally fail their motivation and book it to the pub in Prague. Next time Throck! VonThrocks's FHH Panzers: Yeah, I didn't get a turn. Cause he lost. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. |
Rotny: In soviet russia dice fail you. In all seriousness I learned alot this game. First of all, those Panthers are rough! But, once you get shots to the side they start to go. Learning to use cover, and speed, turned this from a likely rout to a decently close game. Looking forward to game number 2. Throck: Good game. I'm glad I got to pop his FoW cherry... I mean... I'm glad I got to be his first... err I'm digging a hole here. It was fun and I can't way to play with him some more... Damn it! I'm just going to shut up now. |
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I promise we're never going to use red in a battle report again :)